
UPDATED (and corrected):
March 7000 BC Meeting

Saturday, March 20 | 12:30 and 1:30-4:30 | Astro-Zombies and Albuquerque Main Library | Albuquerque, NM

We're moving the March 7000 BC meeting to Albuquerque so we can attend the Ben Templesmith signing at Astro-Zombies. This store's been a supporter of independent comics and 7000 BC, so this is a great opportunity to visit and meet one of the preeminent artists in comics today. We'll plan on gathering there around 12:30.

From 1:30-4:30, we have a conference room at the Albuquerque Main Library; take this time to work on your projects. We'll conduct business toward the end of the meeting and will head out to dinner after.

Parking is metered at Astro-Zombies. At the library, free parking is available for up to 2 hours in the lot across the street. Bring your parking stub to the circulation desk for validation. There is also on-street metered parking.

New members are always welcome. Please send an email with any questions.

Saturday, March 20 | 1:30-4:30 | Santa Fe Library Main Branch | Santa Fe, NM

The March 7000 BC meeting will be held Saturday, March 20 in the Community Room on the second floor of the Santa Fe Library Main Branch, 1:30–4:30. This will be a working meeting, so take this time to make comics; we'll probably conduct business for about the last half-hour. After the meeting, we'll move on to dinner.

The library is in downtown Santa Fe. There's limited, paid (but cheap) parking in the back, street and lot parking around, and possibly the lot across Washington Street at the First Interstate Building will be open. The library is on a stop for the Santa Fe Pick-Up and the meeting's timed for those taking the Rail Runner from Albuquerque.

Please send an email with any questions.

(Setup for the meeting actually starts at 1:00; if you're available to help out, stop by.)