Albuquerque Comic Con | January 15–16 | 9:00–6:00 | Hilton Albuquerque | Albuquerque, NM
7000 BC will be a part of the first Albuquerque Comic Con on Saturday, January 15th and Sunday, January 16th at the Hilton Albuquerque, 9:00–6:00 each day. We'll be in Artists Alley with comics from the group, including recent issues of string that we haven't been able to post.
This will take the place of our monthly meeting, so if you're interested in finding more out about the group, stop by; we'll be back in
Update: an amazing show — thanks to everyone who stopped by. If you're interested in more information about 7000 BC, please send an email.
Our photos from the con:
Created with flickrSLiDR.