
Between the Panels: Summer Shorts Comics Workshop - Thumbnailing with Kaiju Claws

Between the Panels: Summer Shorts Workshop | Thumbnailing with Kaiju Claws | Saturday, June 19, 2021 | 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM MST | Online | FREE!

7000 BC's Between the Panels comics workshops for teens and adults continue with Summer Shorts!  Summer Shorts is an abbreviated 8-week workshop series to keep you learning and creating throughout the summer.  Sharpen your pencils, roll out the virtual paper, pull on your bermudas, and prepare to draw upon your strengths.  Join us as we explore a storytelling medium like no other.  Drop-in students are welcome!

This Week's Workshop:
Saturday, June 19 - Thumbnailing with Kaiju Claws (Enhancing Story with Tiny Broad Strokes)
How many ways can you trim your thumbnails and still have them be your thumbnails?

Saturday, June 26 - Mini Comics!  What's the Big idea?  (A Grand Story in Eight Tiny Pages)
Saturday, July 3 - *NEW WORKSHOP w guest instructor Bram Meehan*  Picturing Words in Drawings (Text and Image Interacting)

Summer Shorts requires registration.  Please note, workshop registration is through Eventbrite.
Pay-What-You-Can or make a donation to an organization helping those in need at this time.
Suggested Donation is $25/workshop.  Any amount $1 or more is fine.

Between the Panels: Summer Shorts 2021
Saturdays, June 5 - July 24, 2021
11:30 am - 12:30 pm
Teens and Adults

Stay safe and enjoy the summer by making comics!

7000 BC and Between the Panels workshops are supported by a generous grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities and the New Mexico Humanities Council.