
Atomicon 2024


Atomicon | Saturday, August 31 | 10:00 am–5:00 pm | Mesa Public Library | Los Alamos, NM

On Saturday, August 31, 2024, the Mesa Public Library in Los Alamos will host Atomicon, its third celebration of art, illustration, comics, costumes, superheroes, fantasy, and science fiction.

Free, with comic-themed crafts for all ages, workshops to explore illustration and zine building, and life drawing sessions to take in and show off the excellent costumes on display. Discussion panels and workshops, including several featuring 7000 BC members, will give insight into the creative process of professionals and provide inspiration to dig deeper into world-building. The programming starts at 11:00, check out the full schedule here.

7000 BC and friends and members will be in the Vendor Hall at Fuller Lodge 10:00 am–5:00 pm along with local artists and artisans from Los Alamos and the wider region with books, art, games, clothing, stickers, zines, and much more.

Samizdat Bookstore and Teahouse is also offering a singular opportunity to join a play-through of Coyote & Crow, register for 10:00 or 2:00