
7000 BC at ACE 2014

ACE 2014 | Friday, June 27–Sunday, June 29 | Friday 2:00–6:00pm; Saturday 10:00–7:00; Sunday 11:00–5:00 | Albuquerque Convention Center | Albuquerque, NM

7000 BC is pleased to return to Albuquerque Comic Expo at Albuquerque Convention Center June 27–29. 7000 BC will have a booth on the main floor, spreading the world about local independent comics creators and selling copies of our Jams books and string comics.

Many of our members will have their own tables in Artist Alley:
  • Typo'd Mary B8
  • Panel Press / Bram Letters B10
  • SRB Studios B16
  • Over the Top Comics / Belmondo Tomato C17
  • Dale Deforest C20
  • RedDevil / Will Wells D4
  • Ego Comics D10

    And some of our friends will be there as well:
  • Scott Phillips AA1
  • Perk at Work A15
  • Jon Sanchez and Jeremy Montoya B5
  • Stephen McCranie C4
  • Sheri Velarde D5
  • Andy Kuhn E22
  • John Peters E6
  • Anti-Hero Brand Press E9 E10
  • Larry Welz D21

  • 7000 BC and its members will be participating in panels and leading workshops — all designed to get attendees making their own comics:

    Make a Comic!
    Friday, June 27, 5pm–6pm
    WhereSuite E/F
    Learn from Jeff Benham and Bram Meehan what makes a comic different from any other storytelling medium in this fast-paced, hands-on workshop -- and create one of your own! No drawing experience necessary; this is for anybody interested in the visual language of comics, whether a writer, artist, or fan.

    How to Self-Publish Your Comics Panel and Q&A
    Friday, June 27, 6pm–7pm
    Suite E
    Turn your vision into a a fully-realized graphic novel or comic book. This hour-long discussion and Q&A will walk you through the basics — come prepared to for the panel's advice on self-publishing your comic. With Chuck Larntz, Bram Meehan, John Myers, John Poling, and Peter Ziomek

    Create Your Own Web-Comic!
    Saturday, June 28, 11am–12pm
    Jennifer Myers, Nathan Rackley will teach you how to share your comics with the world by publishing them on the web. This hour long panel will take your questions about creating web-comics, including setting up a website designed to showcase your comics and blog posts.

    Prepare Your Comic for Print
    Sunday, June 29, 11am–12pm
    Ready to print your comic? Are you sure? Learn how to prepare a file that will print correctly, saving you time and money. Bring your works-in-progress, even your files on your laptop, and learn how to solve real-world problems from printing professionals. Panelists: Jeff Twohig, Alex Juarez, Bram Meehan, Ben Girven

    Basics of Comic Scripting
    Sunday, June 29, 12pm–1pm
    Suite E/F
    This panel is for beginning comic book writers who wish to learn the basics of writing a comic book script. The hour long panel will focus on offering practical advice on writing for comics and creating scripts.

    Comics Collaboration and Crowdfunding Basics For Beginners, The Internet and The Indie Comic Creator
    Sunday, June 29, 3pm–4pm
    This introduction can save you time and provide you valuable information about finding collaborators, operating collaborations, funding your comics production with the support of a community, and using some great free resources available to the intrepid comic creator online. Jim Lynch will not only provide this useful information during the panel. He will be available for questions by email and promises to provide good answers to the best of his ability afterward as well.