Makers Weekend | Comic & Zine Readings | September 24, 2021 | All Ages | Virtual
Friday, September 24, 6:00 PM MST / 8:00 PM EST
Preview Makers Weekend with virtual comic and zine readings from 7000 BC, SAW, and Abq ZineFest! Discover all of the Weekend's events, enjoy live local music from NoLa, and be there to launch the weekend's raffles.
Featuring Readings from Kevin Curley, Jessica Mills, Barry Sawicki, Meritt Penick, Karen Knighton, Kevin Rountree, Erin Fitzgerald, Kristen Loree & John Bartlit, Nathan Rackley, Nicole Morning, Jeff Benham & Annie Giannini.
Barry Sawicki
To get email updates or if you know anyone who would like to participate in 24 Hour Comics Day, please share THIS LINK.
Stay safe, be well, and make comics! We'll see you there!